From Our Blog...
Charting a Course
for Success
November 30, 2016
In order to make sure newly hired employees are effective in their roles and to keep current employees up-to-date on rental agreements and other topics, Avis and Budget provide training in many different forms. Online modules are available through abgUniversity to make learning more convenient for the hundreds of employees who require training each year.
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What's New
Leslie Saunders Insurance names
Quincy Branch as President/CEO
The Leslie Saunders Insurance Agency has agreed to an acquisition by Branch Benefits Consultants, Nevada’s largest minority-owned independent insurance agency. The acquisition will allow for expanded services to the customers as well as create jobs and more opportunities nationwide, fueling the economy.
Women's Business Enterprise National Council 20th Anniversary Celebration
Honors Women of Distinction.
These 25 women leaders have demonstrated a deep commitment to the organization and to breaking down barriers for women owned businesses in the corporate and government supply chains.
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